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When I first brought home my best friend, I think I was more scared than he was. I had just taken responsibility of a life, when I was barely responsible for mine. I knew it was a lot of work and I knew I had a big task ahead of me, but I was ready. I hate the idea that dogs sit in animal shelters scared, lonely, and afraid. It makes me sad and it makes me want to save them all, even though it is nowhere near possible. I may not be able to save them all, but I could save one. I brought Remy, my now 10-month-old pointer, home and immediately I knew this dog was something special. He was coming out of his shell right away, darting around the backyard faster than I had ever seen a dog run. He was special, and I realized then that I had found a best friend that day, and I was not wrong. I feel happiest when I see him and his wagging tail bolting around the house with no regard for anything but greeting me at the door. I love that dog, and I know he loves me, even if it’s just for food, it’s still sort of love. My happiness stems from the knowledge that I raised this dog into what he is today, and I saved his life. I helped this scared, lonely, and afraid puppy become a happy and loving dog. I go home on the weekends just to see him sometimes, not that my family isn’t great and all, but this dog is my best friend. I love this dog and he makes me happy, even when he forgets that he is 60 pounds now and gets in my lap. My dog is my happy, and I think dogs can make a lot of people happy.

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