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“Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy.” 
― Roy T. Bennett

There may not be a more relevant and essential quote in today's society.  The world is so consumed in anger and worrying that we all forget to be happy. We live in a pursuit of what makes us happy and if we are too consumed in the wrong, we may never reach happiness. Living in the past will get you no where in the future. There is no backspace button in life, you have to roll with the punches and move on. Being consumed in the past is no way to try and become happy, you will only stay unhappy.

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” 
― Aristotle

To live without pursuing happiness is living without an end goal. We live to reach a goal or achievement that makes us happy as humans. That can be anything, no one thing can make the whole world happy, only you yourself can. You make yourself happy, because only you yourself knows what makes you happy. We live to be happy, without happiness we would live in a very grim world, which is why we strive to be happy. For some people making themselves happy is how they reach this, for others it is making someone else happy. Whatever it may be, happiness is the life of this world.

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