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            People from all over the globe feel happy in their own way. Some find happiness in the smaller things, like when it rains on a hot day, other people find happiness in being around those they love the most, and some are happy working hard. The definition of happy is feeling or showing pleasure or contentment, which can come in many forms. In the Louisiana, people are happy cooking a whole lot of food and having friends and family come spend time with them. In Japan, it is not nearly the same, their life revolves around their work and they spend their life trying to do as much as they can, which makes them happy. The idea of happiness cannot be determined through one person’s eyes, because they may not be brought happiness by all the same things. A man in the slums, is perfectly happy with his job as a rickshaw driver and he is even happier when it rains. If someone from America was put into that life, they most likely would not be nearly as happy, if they were happy at all. Happiness to some may be possessing wealth or items, while to others it’s being able to put food on the table for their family. We all find happiness in our own way, and it is all subjective to our own thoughts and beliefs. Some find happiness in the close companionship of others, whether that is friends or family. They find happiness in being around the people they care about most and they do not worry as much about the other things in life. This is may be the opposite for someone else in their life, they may find happiness in their passion, career, or making money for their family, but having to sacrifice spending time with them in exchange. This is just one vast difference in how people differ in terms of what makes them happy, there are many more. If something makes you happy that may not make others happy, do not worry because it is what makes you yourself happy. Happiness defines you, it drives you, and whatever that item, goal, or relationship that makes you happy is, do not change it because it is different.

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