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What is one thing that makes you happy, no matter what is going on in your life?

I tend to be a very happy person, I would much rather spend my energy smiling and laughing instead of being mad or sad. I can be happy doing just about anything, I make my own fun if there is not any already. This is not to say that I am never sad or mad, but I try not to be as much as possible. Whenever I am in a mood, upset, or mad at the world for whatever reason, there's a few things that help me get back to my happy self. For one it's my friends and family, but if even all of that fails, my best friend makes me happy. My best friend is an outgoing, happy, and loving dog. He never fails to make me laugh or smile, just by being himself. He has a way to make me happy no matter what is going on in the world that day, he is a big source of what makes me happy and I love him for that. This dog is my best friend and I am thankful that I get to have him in my life.

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